Thursday, April 16, 2009

April Events

Write up what happened in April...include residents, staff, events and business...Did you have an inspection? New visitors? Open House??

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Easter 2009

Debra loves Easter. It was on April 12th this year. Wecelebrated with a special service and enjoyed a deliciousham dinner. Yum!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

April Birthdays

We celebrated two birthdays at the same time because Charlott Derry and Sandy Wentlandt were born on the same day, April 4th. We had two cakes because it is illegal at the Haven in Allyn to share th same birthday cake. We had lots of fun enjoying the music, dancing, laughing and eating good food. Sandy and Charlote had lots of people who love them and came to share their special day.

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We are an assisted living facility on the Olympic Peninsula close to the Seattle-Tacoma metropolitan area. Our intention is to serve the community of the aged and aging and those who care for them. As an assisted living facility, we know the questions and concerns that attend an aging loved one. Regardless of your choice of care, we would like to make ourselves, our facility, and our network of shared interest available to all who participate in the world of assisting the elderly.

After all, we all will one day face aging.

At Haven in Allyn we believe the spirit doesn't change just because we lose the capability of our physical body. We choose to honor the spirit as the true state of the person and service the physical needs accordingly. We celebrate each life...aging is only a natural culmination to, hopefully, a life well lived.

So, our hope with this blog is to share experiences and the wisdom gained through working with our residents, caregivers, and families and to encourage you, the readers, to participate with your own experiences, too.

Visit us at .
